Quickly devlop, script, and process responsive, mobile-first code with PHP. One of the world’s most popular open source multi-purpose scripting languages, featuring multi-platform, multi-system code well equipt to develop and implemented via HTML.


PHP Journey

Why is PHP so awesome you ask? Well, perhaps we should give you two answers... One, are you new to PHP, take the Lite Path. Two, are you a PHP guru, check out the Heavy Path. The journey starts here, PHP scripting language.

PHP Next Steps

Why is PHP so awesome you ask? Well, perhaps we should give you two answers... One, are you new to PHP, take the Lite Path. Two, are you a PHP guru, check out the Heavy Path. The journey starts here, PHP scripting language.

Looking For The Basics

Learn PHP by the day, basic syntax, what is PHP? How Can I use it?

Looking For The Basics

Learn PHP by the day, basic syntax, what is PHP? How Can I use it?

Not A Noob

Hit the Excelerator, advance to the PHP development areas and open source projects

PHP Extras

Everyone likes the extras! Validation, Project Work and More.

PHP Other

IDE\'s, Books, Tutorials, Courses, Certifications, Other...

PHP Benefits

Why Learn, Implement and Maintain PHP?
Reason Benefit PHP Advantages Notes

Easy To Learn

Learning Time & Uptime

Ease of use, forgiving... PHP can be a good scripting lanuage to add to your development tool kit. It's easy to learn, forgiving (flexible) as it is logical and easy to pick up. On a side note, the language is one of the easiest to learn and doesn't require massive text books, logicals and deep understand of 'coding' history.

Learn At Your Own Pace

PHP is forgiving, stay obtimistic; have another go if its your first rodeo. If you don't have any experience, we do suggest taking a peak at HTML, CSS and JS.


Scalibility & Open-Source

PHP is flexible. This is helpful when creating code, starting a new project or working with functions. There are a ton of examples out there, start with an example if you need to, it doesn't hurt to take a peak at open source code, existing code or project code when learning PHP.

Garage-To-Global Commerce

Coding examples, in our view is critical when learning just the basics. PHP is used everywhere, small companies, freelance etc. to world-wde behemoths... Start strong, keep with it; PHP is awesome.



When we say it's easy to integrate, we mean it. System integration and compatibility are one of PHP's strengths, covering a majority of platforms, systems, architecture etc. It just works. We like it because the language 'plays nice in the sandbox', production too. This is essential when building in the garage or integrating in a world-wide service oriented architecture.

World-Wide Platforms | Systems & Architecture

We LOVE compatability, integration, performance and control... PHP helps in that manner, we've used it for years on various platforms - CMS, Framework, Demos and Testing...



Oh how we love performance... PHP is a cost efficent (free/open source) way to develop and scale global applications, services, pages and forms of delivery. Open source is always a good thing, it's free in this case, maintained and fixed by a group of PHP superheros. At least we like to think of them this way. Scalability is key when talking performance over multiple organization, programs, projects, and pages.

Scale Holistically

It's easy, download and install an IDE - MAMP or LAMP, crack open your favorite text editor - SUBLIME TEXT and hack away. Performance will speak for itself.


Simple & Dynamic

More control, with less. A few lines of code can be effective when an easy to learn, easy to integrate scripting lanaugate makes it easier to control... Benefits from an open-source, widely distributed programming language. While mixed with other development languages, PHP become a very powerful tool in your tool kit. End to end, it's easy to produce, easy to understand and easy to dynamically distrubute information world-wide/server-wide.


Excellent, another reason why we are on the PHP bandwagon... If you need more help, head over to the PHP site, join a PHP community, look for more project work and more.

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